Hands on black background pulling sealing clip off of white toothpaste tube
hands on black background squeezing toothpaste from white toothpaste tube onto gold toothbrush
hands holding black and white toothpaste tubes together in palms
Hands on black background squeezing toothpaste into open end of white refillable toothpaste tube
Hands on black background sliding sealing clip onto end of white toothpaste tube
Hands on black background displaying back side of white toothpaste tube. Max fill indication line and use instructions
Hands on black background twisting cap off white toothpaste tube
Hand on black background holding black toothpaste tube straight forward and upright
Black and white toothpaste tube laying on white background
Detail view of M logo in twist caps of both black and white toothpaste tubes on white background
White and black toothpaste tubes standing upright on white background
Back view of both black and white toothpaste tubes standing upright on white background
detail view of Matador logo on sliding clip of black toothpaste tube on black background

Refillable Toothpaste Tubes

Price Match Guarantee
Regular price AED 89
Regular price AED 110 Sale price AED 89
Refillable Toothpaste Tubes are designed to replace single-use travel-sized tubes. Refill indefinitely with your preferred toothpaste to reduce waste and eliminate a trip to the store.

Refillable Toothpaste Tubes

Regular price AED 89
Regular price AED 110 Sale price AED 89